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Ancient Rome

Piazza del Colosseo, Rome
Information and Booking: +39 (06) 3996 7700
Online information and booking
Daily 8:30am to one hour before sunset
Closed Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25
Closes at 2pm on Good Friday
With a capacity of 55,000, this famed amphitheater staged "games," pitting criminals, slaves, and gladiators against each other or wild animals, often to the death. Spectators exercised the power of life and death over the defeated, thumbs up for mercy, thumbs down to execute.
In Oct 2010, the hypogeum was opened to visitors. Greek for “underground”, this labyrinth beneath the Colosseum floor provided stagecraft for the entertainments. Shafts, pulleys and other mechanisms delivered scenery, wild beasts, and gladiators to the arena as if by magic. Currently the hypogeum is only available via guided tour.

Arch of Constantine
Adjacent to the Colosseum, this is the largest and most magnificent of Rome's triumphal arches, dedicated in AD 315. It rises nearly 70 feet high and is over 85 feet wide. The arch commemorates Emperor Constantine’s victory over Maxentius, his rival for control of the Roman Empire. This victory marked a major turning point for world history, as it signaled Constantine’s conversion to Christianity.

Domus Aurea
Viale della Domus Aurea 1, Rome
In Parco di Colle Oppio
Information and Booking: +39 (06) 3996 7700
Online information and booking
Tue-Fri 10am-4pm
Closed Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25
Guided half-hour tours only. Reservations required. Limited to 20 people.
Nero's outrageously luxurious "golden house" once spread across three hills. The entire house was buried by his successors to erase the shame of Nero's infamous reign. One wing has survived – visitors can view frescoes and mosaics.

Roman Forum
Piazza Santa Maria Nova 53
Largo della Salara Vecchia 5/6, Rome
Information: +39 (06) 6998 0110
Booking: +39 (06) 3996 7700
Online information and booking
Daily 8:30 am to one hour before sunset
Closed Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25
The Roman Forum was the political, religious, and commercial heart of Republican Rome. The ruined temples and basilicas within this site span some 900 years.

Piazza Santa Maria Nova 53 and Via di San Gregorio 30, Rome
Booking: +39 (06) 3996 7700
Online information and booking
Open 8:30am to one hour before sunset
Closed Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25
Home to the empire's rich and famous, the Palatine holds the ruins of several grand palaces as well as the lush 16th-century Farnese gardens.
Imperial Forums
These grand public squares were built when the Roman Forum became too crowded.

Forum of Trajan
Via dei Fori Imperiali, Rome
+39 (06) 679 0048
Tue-Sat 9am-6:30pm; Sun 9am-1pm
Closed Mon
Closed Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25

Trajan's Market
Main entrance Via IV November 94, Rome
+39 (06) 3600 4399
Working archeological dig. Some areas closed at various times.
Many areas can only be visited as part of guided tour.
Much of the site can be seen from the walkway above it that runs parallel to Via dei Fori Imperiali.
This multi-level shopping complex was one of the wonders of the ancient world, selling everything from imported silks and spices to fresh fish.

Circus Maximus
Via del Circo Massimo, Rome
In ancient times, crowds of up to 250,000 came here to cheer horse and chariot races. Now just a quiet field, it is best viewed from a car, just to appreciate its size.
topNotable Sights Nearby

San Clemente
Piazza San Clemente
Via di San Giovanni in Laterano, Rome
+39 (06) 7045 1018
Mon-Sat 9am-12:30pm, 3-6pm; Sun 10am-12:30pm, 3-6pm
Just a few blocks from the Colosseum, San Clemente lets visitors explore three layers and 2000 years of religious history – a medieval church, built over a 4th century church, built over a 3rd century Mithraic Temple.

San Pietro in Vincoli
Piazza di San Pietro in Vincoli 4A, Rome
+39 (06) 488 2865
Mon-Sun 7am-12:30pm, 3:30-6pm
This church houses Michelangelo's statue of Moses and the relic of chains that bound Saint Peter while he was imprisoned in the Mamertine Prison.

Baths of Caracalla
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 52, Rome
+39 (06) 5740796, +39 (06) 575 8626
Booking: +39 (06) 3996 7700
Online information and booking
Tue-Sat 9am-4 pm; Sun 9am-12pm
Mon and holidays 9am-2pm
Closed Jan 1, May 1, Dec 25
For Romans, bathing was a way of life. Up to 1,600 bathers at a time could enjoy a swim or sauna in these once-splendid facilities.

Catacombs of San Callisto
Via Appia Antica 126
+39 (06) 513 0151
Thur-Tues 8:30am-noon, 2:30-5:30pm (Oct-Mar: 5pm)
Closed Wednesdays
Closed Jan 1, Feb, Easter Sunday, Dec 25
These vast passageways are some of the best-preserved of Rome's many catacombs, where ancient Christians buried their dead. The half hour guided tours are spooky enough to delight the most cynical of children.
topRestaurants in Colosseum Area

Antica Hostaria da Franco
SeafoodVia San Giovanni in Laterano, 48
+ 39 06 7096339
Closed Mondays
Near Colosseum
Via del Candello 28, Rome
+39 06 6694 1507
Closed Mondays
Great pizza, pasta and grilled meats
Near Forum
topRestaurants in Itinerary

traditional food, pizzeria, wine barPiazza Augusto Imperatore 9, Rome
+39 (06) 322 6273
Daily 12:45-3pm, 7:45pm-12am
Pizzeria open until 1 am and offers brunch Sat and Sun 12-3:30pm
Wine bar open 10am-2am
Near Hotel de Russie

Fortunato Al Pantheon
traditional Roman, seafoodVia del Pantheon 55, Rome
+39 (06) 679 2788
Mon-Sat 12-3pm, 7-11:30pm
Closed Sundays
Closed Aug 15-30
Near Pantheon

La Rosetta
fishVia della Rosetta 8, Rome
At Piazza della Maddalena
+39 (06) 686 1002, +39 (06) 6830 8841
Mon-Sat for lunch and dinner
Closed August
Need reservations:
Dress code: casual elegant, no shorts
Near Pantheon
Tuscan cuisineVia Borgognona 11, Rome
+39 (06) 679 5676
Mon-Sat lunch and dinner
Reservations recommended
Closed Sundays
Closed August
Near Spanish Steps
Great for lunch. Quick service, good variety.

Via Monte de' Cenci 9, Rome
+39 (06) 6880 6629
Open Tue-Sat 12:45-2:30pm, 8-10:30pm; Sun 12:45-2:30pm
Closed Mondays
In Ghetto district
topSuggested Itineraries
For a full day among the ruins, I suggest that you book a driver and English-speaking guide who is good with kids. (See contacts). My kids were totally absorbed by our 3-4 hour guided walking tour of the Roman Forum, Arch of Constantine, Colosseum, Domus Aurea, San Clemente, and San Pietro in Vincoli.
With the right guide, you will see the round stone that marks the center of the entire Roman Empire and with a bit of imagination, see that all roads did lead to Rome. You'll hear the legend of Romulus and Remus. You'll walk by the senate where Julius Ceasar was killed. And imagine the contests and crowds in the Colosseum.
Break for a leisurely lunch at Nino, Piperno or Fortunato al Pantheon.
A drive by Circus Maximus just to see the scale is worth it on your way to visit the Catacombs and/or the Baths of Caracalla.
2-3 hour walking tour of Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Piazza Navona and Campo dei Fiori... with plenty of stops for Gelato. Or, if little legs are giving out, consider a carriage ride around the city center. Most of the drivers speak English and are good guides. A word to the wise, negotiate the price before you start your ride. Carriages can be picked up at the Colosseum, Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, Spanish Steps and St. Peter's Square.
Try La Rosetta or Gusto (near Hotel de Russie)
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